Customer Reviews
Hawthorn(or Haw) is the official herbal pharmaceutical in Brazil, China, Germany, France, Switzerland, and Russia. Haw is one of the best nature's remedies to support heart health, diabetes, fatty liver, obesity, indigestion, colitis, anxiety, and arthritis pain relief. Cleanses and detoxes liver and kidney to remove fat, toxins, and bad cholesterol, which help reduce belly fat to aid weight loss.
HAWTHORN BERRY TEA TABLE OF CONTENT(Click the topic to jump to that section; you will not leave this page.)
Dried Haw can be made into a fruit tea beverage that has deliciously tart flavor.
Hawthorn Berry, Crataegus , Haw, has a long history of heart and liver healing used by master Chinese and Greek herbalists.
These berries are used in the form of traditional medicine in the first century. They contain phytonutrients such as anthocyanins and proanthocyanidins.
Hawthorn berries have antioxidants that strengthen the walls of blood vessels, and also provide therapeutic effects as well.
The leaves and flowers contain certain compounds that fight cholesterol and relieve symptoms of chest pain. This makes it less prone to heart attacks and cardiovascular diseases.
Hawthorns are considered safe for adults. And side effects are rare.
And now for the incredible benefits of hawthorn berries! Move on!
Improve Digestion
Hawthorn berries are great for your digestive system too. Controls constipation, bloating, flatulence and ensure timely bowel movement.
Ensure good cardiovascular health:
Hawthorn berries are full of flavonoids that protect the heart and significantly improve cardiovascular health. They also contain antioxidants that contain anti-inflammatory properties. Hawthorn berries also help prevent the formation of blood clots in the arteries.
Weight Loss Aid
Weight loss has been everyone’s obsession these days. Eating right and looking good is so important. And while trying to do so, one should only stick to foods that are low in calories or are organic in nature. A great healthy option in such cases would be hawthorn berry. Hawthorn improves digestion of fat and help lower bad (LDL) cholesterol. It boosts weight loss and helps you lose those unwanted pounds within a short period of time without significant side effect.
Increase metabolism:
Hawthorn berries also help burn body fat. They increase the metabolism and help break the plateau. They also allow the body to burn more calories while exercising. You should eat hawthorn berries more often if you want your body to improve quickly.
Fighting Cholesterol:
Another benefit of hawthorn health is its ability to eliminate bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol. They contain flavonoids that protect the heart, and treat diseases such as chest pain and clogged arteries.
Heart Diseases and High Blood Pressure
In Europe, hawthorn berry has been approved as the official herbal pharmaceutical by several countries' food and drug government agencies to treat patients with congestive heart failure, high blood pressure, and chest pain. They include Germany, France, Switzerland and Russia.
According to University of Maryland Medical Center, 29 clinical trial studies involving 5500 patients have concluded that Hawthorn is effective in treating and preventing heart disease and high blood pressure.
People suffering from hypertension should try hawthorn berry tea! Shows great results. But if you are taking blood pressure medication or prescriptions, consult with your doctor first to learn if there is possible drug interactions.
Liver Detoxification
Hawthorn can promote blood flow to the heart and improve digestion because it detoxes and cleanses liver and arteries to remove toxins, fat and bad cholesterol.
Hawthorn can be an excellent liver tonic for diabetics and has demonstrated its effects in lowering blood sugar in clinical trials.
In addition, Hawthorn's unique powerful antioxidants are very effective in treating Atherosclerosis, High Cholesterol, Fat Metabolism, Hot Flushes as well as preventing liver diseases.
Prevent Cancer
You can also prevent dangerous diseases such as cancer with the help of hawthorn berries. They contain powerful antioxidants that fight all the cancer causing radicals in the body. They also detoxify your blood, cleanse your system and flush out all the toxins.
Skin Health
Hawthorn berries are an excellent source of antioxidants. They prevent life threatening diseases by neutralizing the free radicals. They have been used in traditional Chinese medicine for skincare, treating conditions such as frostbite for centuries. With hawthorn berries, you can maintain the radiance of your skin and stay flawlessly beautiful for life. In other words, they contain anti-ageing properties that control fine lines, wrinkles, dark spots, dullness and other signs of aging.
Treat Insomnia
Hawthorn berries have often been recommended by doctors for people suffering from insomnia. This fruit will improve your sleeping patterns and ensure you don’t get up too often at night. If this sounds like you, get hold of hawthorn berries as soon as possible!
Improve Vision
Hawthorn berries are excellent for your eyes too. They contain Vitamin A that maintains a healthier vision and prevents cataract growth. Vitamin A upholds the growth of cells too.
Hawthorn as a Diuretic
Diuretics are a class of medicines used to treat kidney disorders, osteoporosis, high blood pressure, congestive heart failure, glaucoma and edema, or water retention. These agents can take the form of prescription medications, over-the-counter dietary supplements, herbs, homeopathic preparations and even natural foods. Whatever the origin, diuretics perform the same function: increase urine output and facilitate the removal of excess sodium and water from the bloodstream. Natural health advocates believe that diuretic herbs, such as hawthorn berry, can help the body eliminate excess fluid. However, check with your physician before using hawthorn berry as a diuretic, especially if you have a chronic condition or take other medications.
Arthritis Pain Relief
Hawthorn berries are excellent remedy for pain relief. It can be used for pains due to menstrual cramp, chest pain, and joint pain because it increase blood circulation and is anti-inflammatory.
You have read what makes hawthorn berries a great ingredient! Now go ahead and read how to prepare the amazing hawthorn berry tea(Go to Hawthorn Tea recipe section below)!
Simply put, Hawthorn is nature's most effective answer for treating diseases related to metabolism such as heart diseases, diabetes, indigestion, and fatty liver diseases.
To satisfy your sweet cravings with added benefits of hawthorn, also try Yida haw fruit candy bar and haw fruit roll-ups. They were royal tribute loved by Chinese Emperors in Qing Dynasty and have been considered royal treats ever since.
*Source: University of Maryland Medical Center Webpage and Natural Medicine Journal
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1. This is the Classic Hawthorn, Goji Combo Tea that cleanses, detoxes, nourishes and protects the liver and kidney to remove fat, toxins, bad cholesterol, stabilize blood sugar; promote eye and skin health; boosts sexual vitality for healthier sex life. See Haw and Goji Berry Combo Tea Recipe(Click on the link to go to the recipe located on this page)
Dried Hawthorn +
Goji Berry = $38.98
2. This is the Great Hawthorn and Monk Fruit Combo Tea that cleanses and detoxes the lung and respiratory system to reduce phlegm, and the liver, and kidney to remove fat, toxins, bad cholesterol. It treats and prevents heart diseases, high blood pressure, cancer, and diabetes. See Haw and Monk Fruit Combo Tea(Click on the link to go to the recipe located on this page)
Dried Hawthorn +
Monk Fruit Tea =$28.98
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Order Hawthorn Berry Tea Today and Get it shipped to you for FREE ($9-Value)!
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Order Hawthorn Berry Tea Today and Get Select Herbs from Healthy Goodness Jumbo Sample Bag for FREE as a Gift! IMPORTANT NOTE: For each product you order and pay for, you will get select sample bags of herbs from the jumbo sample bag collection. It may or may not be the full set of jumbo sample bag collection, depending on available space in the USPS priority shipment box.
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Industry wide recommended dosage can vary from 160 mg to 900 milligrams two or three times a day when you are taking hawthorn extract supplement. But when you make an herbal tea, you can use from 5 - 8 grams of the dried berries per serving a day. For the purpose of weight loss, high cholesterol and blood pressure reduction, this amount is sufficient. Haw can also be a great liver tonic for diabetic patients. For early stage high blood pressure, early stage heart disease treatment and prevention, 5 to 8 pieces (5 to 8 grams) once or twice per day is adequate. 340-gram bag of Hawthorn Berry will supply for daily consumption for up to 60 days for one person. However, if you have a middle stage blood pressure, or heart condition or is currently taking medications to the conditions, you should consult with your doctor or herbalist to determine the appropriate amount of hawthorn berries needed. Generally speaking, higher dosage will be required for people with heart condition and existing high blood pressure.
As a side note, the effectiveness of hawthorn supplements may be lowered by asthma medications, Viagra, Clonidine (a blood-pressure-lowering drug) and other herbs for your heart.
The People's Pharmacy reports that pregnant women should not take hawthorn. Additionally, hawthorn may increase the effects of heart medications, so it should not be used with herbs containing cardiac glycosides like fox glove and lily of the valley.
Source: Dr. Mercola from mercola.com
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Keep in dry, cool place. Refrigerate after opening the bag.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Grab the FREE EBOOK - Recipe Guide to Classic Herbal Teas and Dishes($20 Value) for complete recipe details, by subscribing to our newsletter! Click here to signup.
1. Quick Haw Tea: Steep Haw in hot water for 20 minutes, enjoy it!
2. Haw/ Goji Combo Tea(Benefits - Cleanse, detox, nourish & protect liver, kidney, colon & arteries; treat/prevent cancer, diabetes, heart diseases, indigestion, anxiety, menstrual cramps; boost immune system & sexual vitality; promote eye/skin health; maintain blood sugar): Steep Haw and Goji in hot water together for 20 minutes.
3. Strong Flavor Haw Tea Recipe: 1. Put Haw in a pot with cold water, bring it to a boil, simmer for 20 minutes & enjoy it!
Go Back to Frequently Bought Together- Haw/Monk Combo Tea(Benefits - Cleanses, detoxes liver, lung, kidney, colon & arteries; treats and prevents cancer, diabetes, heart diseases, indigestion, anxiety, menstrual cramps; fights fatigue; lowers blood sugar): 1. Cut half of the monk fruit, 2. Use your hand to break down and tear it into small pieces to shorten cooking time; 3. place pieces into a pot and add 1/2 gallon of cold water; 4. Add 15 to 20 pieces of hawthorn berries into the pot; 5. bring the mixture to a boil and turn the heat to medium/medium low, cover, and simmer for 20 to 30 minutes; 5. Turn off the heat, pour it into a cup, cool and enjoy it. 6. Drink 8 oz. to 10 oz. daily; 7. Refrigerate the rest.
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(Free recipe card with purchase)
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Serving Size: 5 g
Servings per container: 68
Amount per Serving
Calories 50 Calories from Fat 10
Amount per serving/% Daily
Total Fat 0 g, 0%
Saturated Fat 0 g, 0%
Trans Fat 0 g, 0%
Cholesterol 0 mg, 0%
Sodium 6 mg, 0.25%
Total Carbohydrate 1.54 g, 0.4%
Dietary fiber 0 g, 0%
Sugar 0.80g
Proteins 0 g
Vitamin A 0%, Vitamin C 0%, Calcium 1%, Iron 0.4%
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**Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by United States Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to treat or cure any disease. Please consult your health care provider or medical doctor for individualized medical advice. Do not use while in pregnancy.
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