Recipes Videos
IMPORTANT NOTE: Grab the FREE EBOOK - Recipe Guide to Classic Herbal Teas and Dishes($20 Value) for complete recipe details, by subscribing to our newsletter! Click here to signup.
How to Prepare Herbal Teas and Soup Instruction Videos
TABLE OF CONTENT (Click watch recipe video to jump to that section on the same recipe video page; click buy to go to product page to place an order)
1. Hawthorn Tea - 3 Recipes:

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1. Hawthorn(Haw) Berry Tea(Recipe Video) - Heart, Liver, Kidney Tonic and Cleanser.
Video below shows three methods of preparing the Hawthorn Tea:
1)Steeping in a tea cup;
2) Cooking(simmering) in a pot;
3) Brewing in a Thermo beverage bottle.
Recommended daily usage:
1) When steeping, use 5 to 8 pieces of dried haw berry each time to make 6 to 12 ounces of tea, once or preferably twice a day; maximum usage per day 12 pieces.
2) When cooking, use 8 pieces for 15 ounces of water; drink once or preferably twice a day; no more than 12 ounces of hawthorn tea per day.
3) When brewing, use 25 pieces of tea to make half gallon of tea; drink up to a maximum of 12 ounces, once or preferably twice per day.
Click on the play button to watch the informational video to learn different ways to prepare hawthorn berry tea.
Grab the FREE EBOOK - Recipe Guide to Classic Herbal Teas and Dishes($20 Value) for complete recipe details, by subscribing to our newsletter! Click here to signup.
QUESTION: How do I Sweeten Hawthorn Tea without Reducing its Effectiveness? Add Goji berries as an all-natural sweetener when steeping the Hawthorn to make a deliciously sweet and tart hawthorn, goji combo tea! Haw and Goji combo tea is a classic combo tea recommended by master Chinese herbalists for centuries. Goji berries gives this combo tea an amazing boost in nutrients, such as vitamins, antioxidants, amino acids. Go to the Goji Berry recipe section for more nutrition details.
Click here to buy the best premium quality Goji Berry!
2. Hawthorn Berries(Benefit Summary Video): Ancient Herbal Medicine for treating heart disease, indigestion, and many more diseases and ailments. For haw tea recipe video refer to number 1 video above.
3. Monk Fruit Tea(Benefits and Recipe Video): Natural Anti-histamine, Anti-inflammation, and anti-tumor; Has been used to lower blood sugar and blood lipids in clinical trial studies; Monk Fruit is named by Diabetic Council as the Most Powerful Food for Diabetes. Recommended daily usage: 6 to 12 ounces of Monk Fruit Tea per day. Grab the FREE EBOOK - Recipe Guide to Classic Herbal Teas and Dishes($20 Value) for complete recipe details, by subscribing to our newsletter! Click here to signup.
4. Goji Berry Tea (Benefit and Recipe Video) - #1 Anti-Aging Superfood, nourishes and protects the liver and kidney; boosts immune system to fight against flu and cancers; promotes health of eye and skin; boosts sexual vitality for men and fertility for woment. Recommended daily usage: 30 berries to 50 berries daily; which make 6 oz. to 12 oz. of teas to drink once or twice a day. Grab the FREE EBOOK - Recipe Guide to Classic Herbal Teas and Dishes($20 Value) for complete recipe details, by subscribing to our newsletter! Click here to signup.
5. Red Dates Tea(Benefit and Recipe Video) - Nourishes the blood, fights fatigue, strengthens the heart, prevents heart disease, boosts metabolism energy level without caffeine and immune system. Recommended daily usage: 2 to 3 dates per day. Grab the FREE EBOOK - Recipe Guide to Classic Herbal Teas and Dishes($20 Value) for complete recipe details, by subscribing to our newsletter! Click here to signup.
6. Classic Recipe Tremella Mushroom Soup with Red Dates and Goji Berry(Benefit and Recipe Video):
Tremella rejvenates you! It beautifies your skin by detoxing and can be used as an anti-acne treatment. Having been used in many skin-care formulas, it also can makes your skin more supple and youthful. Cleanses and detoxes the liver; nourishes and protects your liver and kidney as well as your blood while it promotes the health of your eyes and skin; strengthens your heart and boost your metabolism energy level; boosts your sexual vitality and fertility. Recommended daily usage: 6 oz. to 10 oz. per day. Grab the FREE EBOOK - Recipe Guide to Classic Herbal Teas and Dishes($20 Value) for complete recipe details, by subscribing to our newsletter! Click here to signup.