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#1 anti-aging super food; rich in vitamins, antioxidants, minerals, and amino acids essential for life. Good for eye and skin health; nourishes liver and kidney; improves immune system and vitality.
GOJI BERRY TABLE OF CONTENT(Click the topic to jump to that section; you will not leave this product page.)
Long History: Highly recognized as the anti-aging fruit, goji berries, or lycium barbarum, are a real gem of the superfood family. The uses of Goji berries were first recorded in the "Book of Poetry," written 3000 years ago in China. Super rich in powerful antioxidants, they benefit and nourish the skin, eye, immune system, and much more according to Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Where are they from? These 100% naturally dried red goji berries are cultivated in the remote, sparsely settled, mostly desert region in the northwest part of China, called NingXia.
Flavors: Deliciously sweet and slightly chewy, these non-GMO treats are simply irresistibly tasty.
Health Benefits: 1) Anti-Aging Superfood - Goji berries are recognized as the world's most powerful anti-aging food. According to studies conducted by US Department of Agriculture, goji berries are ranked highest on the ORAC(Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity)scale, which measures the antioxidant level of foods. Antioxidants help your body fight free radical damage that can result in diseases and premature aging. Antioxidants level of goji berries is off the charts and truly amazing! Goji berries contain 50% more antioxidants than the next five-highest ranked antioxidant rich fruits(i.e.pomegranate, blue berries, black berries, strawberries,spinach) COMBINED!
2) Good for Eyesight - Goji berries contain two important nutrients that protect and improve vision: lutein and zeaxanthin. Studies demonstrated that consuming high amounts(greater than 6.9 mg per day) of lutein and zeaxanthin lowers the risk for developing age-related macular degeneration, and other eye health issues. Normal western diet provides 1 - 3 mg per day of lutein and zezxanthin combined, which according to experts are not enough to offer protection against vision loss. The amount of zeaxanthin in dried goji berries is reported to vary from 50 mg to 150 mg per 100 gram of the fruit. Thus daily consumption of 15 grams of goji berries will provide you with 7 mg to 21 mg of zeaxanthin.
3) Promote Healthy Skin - Goji berries are loaded with beta-carotene, which helps promote healthy skin and help your immune system to fight against cancerous cells. Goji berries are also rich in vitamins A, vitamin C, and zinc, which help improve skin tone and texture as well as giving your skin a healthy and youthful glow.
4) Boost Immune System - Goji berries have a higher level of vitamin C per ounce than oranges. Goji berries also have an unusually high concentration of selenium, which fights bacterial and viral infections. During cold and flu season, you can enlist the help of goji berries by adding a small handful of dried goji berries to hot teas or soups to prevent nasty infections.
5)Amino Acids Powerhouse - Goji berries have 18 amino acids, including all eight essential amino acids. Our bodies utilize this amino acids combination to build the proteins we need. Since we cannot produce amino acids, we must obtain them in our diet.
6)Liver & Kidney Detox and Protection - Goji berries contain betaine, which is used by the liver to produce choline. Choline helps to clam nervousness, enhances memory, promotes muscle growth, and protects against fatty liver disease by helping liver and kidneys expel toxins and waste from the body.
7) Heart Disease and Cholesterol - Antioxidants and Beta-Sitosterol in goji help to lower cholesterol levels, antioxidants keep cholesterol from oxidizing and forming arterial plaques. It also help protect against free radicals, hypertension, blood clots, and improves blood circulation.
8) Diabetes Control - Goji berries cotain considerable hypoglycaemic properties that can help control or prevent diabetes by balancing blood sugar levels and glycemia.
9) Weight Loss - Goji berries can help you lose weight due to their low GI levels. Goji has a score of 29 in the glycemic index, lower than other common fruits, with the exception of bananas with a score of 25. High fiber content also keeps you feeling fuller longer. Goji polysaccharides were shown to reduce body weight by enhancing the conversion of food into energy instead of fat.
10) Stress Relief - Goji berries may relieve stress and depression by promoting a sense of calm, happiness, and well-bbeing by reducing the amount of cortisol released in the bodyd during periods of stress.
11) Better Sleep - Eating Goji berries on a regular basis can help improve your quality of sleep.
12) Beneficial for Tight Joints - Eating goji berries regularly can prevent bone or joint disease. It will reduce or prevent tightness in joints, joint pain, weak knees.
13) Increases Libido - Studies show that goji significantly increases testosterone levels in the blood, therefore increasing libido in both men and women.
14) Increases Semen and Sperm Quality - Goji berry has long been used in traditional Chinese medicine as an aphrodisiac. Scientific studies on goji berries have demonstrated it to be effective to increase semen and sperm quality.
15) Cancer Prevention - Goji has extremely high levels of antioxidants and polysaccharides can stop the genetic mutations that can lead to cancer. Goji also has the ability to cause the death of tumor cells by inducing "apoptosis."
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1. This is the Classic Hawthorn, Goji Combo Tea that cleanses, detoxes, nourishes, and protects the blood, liver and kidney. This tea treats and prevents obesity, heart diseases, and diabetes, lowers blood pressure. See Hawthorn, Goji Combo Tea Recipe(Click on the link to go to the recipe located on this page)
Goji Berry +
Dried Hawthorn = $38.98
2. The Classic Goji, Red Date Combo Tea promotes heart, liver, kidney, eye and skin health. It boosts metabolism energy level and helps fight fatigue without caffeine. It also nourishes the liver, kidney and the blood and improves the immune system. It treats anemia. See Goji, Red Date Combo Tea Recipe(Click on the link to go to the recipe located on this page)
Goji Berry +
Red Dates =$36.98
3. These three herbs (which promote health of heart, liver, lung, kidney, eye and skin)create a classic delicacy - Tremella Mushroom Soup with Goji and Red Dates. See Tremella Mushroom Soup with Goji and Red Dates Recipe(Click on the link to go to the recipe located on this page)
Goji Berry +
Red Dates +
Tremella Mushroom =$53.97
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Order Today and Get it shipped to you for FREE ($9-Value)!
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Order Goji Berries Today and Get Select Herbs from Healthy Goodness Jumbo Sample Bag for FREE as a Gift! IMPORTANT NOTE: For each product you order and pay for, you will get select sample bags of herbs from the jumbo sample bag collection. It may or may not be the full set of jumbo sample bag collection, depending on available space in the USPS priority shipment box.
Wash thoroughly before use; 30 to 50 pieces per day(3 G - 5 G); one package contains daily servings for up to 2 months. Refrigeration needed after opening the package.
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IMPORTANT NOTE: Grab the FREE EBOOK - Recipe Guide to Classic Herbal Teas and Dishes($20 Value) for complete recipe details, by subscribing to our newsletter! Click here to signup.
1. Goji Tea: 1. Put Goji in a pot, add cold water, simmer for 10 min. & enjoy it!
2. Goji/ Haw Combo Tea(Benefits - Cleanse, detox nourish and protect liver, kidney, colon and arteries; treat/prevent flu, cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, congestive heart failure, indigestion, stomach pain, diarrhea, anxiety, menstrual cramps; boost immune system & sexual vitality; promote eye/skin health; maintain blood sugar): Steep Goji & Haw in hot water together for 20 minutes.
3. Goji, Red Dates Combo Tea: 1. Cut Red Dates into smaller pieces and remove the pit, 2. place them in a pot, add cold water, simmer for 10 minutes, 3. add 20 goji berries and cook for another 5 minutes; enjoy it!
4. Tremella Mushroom Soup with Goji and Red Dates
Ingredients: 1 piece of Tremella Mushroom(more than 1/2 oz.); 5 pieces of red dates; 30 pieces of dried goji berry.
- Soak silver ear in warm water for 1 to 2 hours until all completely soft(the longer soaking time will make it easier to cook);
- Rinse thoroughly & cut off bottom yellow, hard parts, tear it to smaller pieces.
- Put it in a pot with cold water, bring to a boil and simmer for 20 minutes; then add (cut to small pieces)Red Dates and cook for another 15 minutes; finally add goji berry and cook an additional 1-2 minutes. Add sugar or honey to taste, & enjoy!
You may also add Goji berries to your soup and salad!
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Keep it dry and refrigeration is needed to maintain freshness.
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Goji berries are simply one of the most nutrient dense fruits on the planet!
Goji berries contains significant percentages of your day’s macronutrient needs including carbohydrates, protein, fat and dietary fiber.
68% of dried goji berries exists as carbohydrate, 12% as protein, and 10% each as fiber and fat, giving a total caloric value in a 100 gram serving of 370 (kilo)calories.
Goji berries contain many nutrients and phytochemicals including:
- 11 essential and 22 trace dietary minerals
- 18 amino acids
- 6 essential vitamins, Vitamin A, B1, B2, B6, C and E.
- 8 polysaccharides and 6 monosaccharides
5 unsaturated fatty acids, including the essential fatty acids, linoleic acid, alpha-linolenic acid,
beta-sitosterol and other phytosterols - 5 carotenoids, including beta-carotene and zeaxanthin, lutein, lycopene and cryptoxanthin
- Numerous phenolic pigments (phenols) associated with antioxidant properties.
Dried goji berries have been found to contain the following nutrients per 100 grams (or 3.5 oz.):
- Vitamin C – dried berries ranges from 29 mg to 148 mg (32-163% of RDI), fresh berries 100% of RDI
- Riboflavin (vitamin B2) – 1.3 mg (100% RDI)
- Calcium – 112 mg (8-10% of RDI)
- Potassium – 1,132 mg (24% of RDI)
- Iron – 9 mg (100% of RDI)
- Zinc – 2 mg (18% of RDI)
- Selenium – 0.05 mg (91% of RDI)
- Beta-carotene – 7 mg (average person consumes 2-7 mg of beta-carotene daily)
- Zeaxanthin – reported values vary considerably, from 25 mg to 200 mg (9-71% of RDI)
- Polysaccharides – Polysaccharides are a major constituent of wolfberries, representing up to 31% of pulp weight.
- Lycopene – Powder made from goji juice concentrate has been measured at 1.4 mg
- Phenolics – Ellagic acid (86 mg) and p-coumaric acid, with a total phenolics content of (1,309 mg) – one of the highest values for any plant food tested.
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**Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by United States Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to treat or cure any disease. Please consult your health care provider or medical doctor for individualized medical advice.
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