Nourishes and protects heart by strengthening heart muscles; boosts metabolism energy without caffeine; improves immune system.
CHINESES RED DATES TABLE OF CONTENT(Click the topic to jump to that section; you will not leave this product page)
(Free recipe card with purchase)
Red dates are naturally sweet(this date is much less sweet than American dates, no added sugar) and flavorful(100% natural), low in fat and high in vitamins and potassium for a healthy way to satisfy a sweet tooth. These dates are huge and ideal for making tea or soup. "However, it is important to know that Chinese people treat dates not only as a food but also as a health tonic and a traditional herb. Many traditional herbal formulas include dates as they are used for balancing the formula, Qi and blood for the body. " says Dr. Ping Wang, a well-known Chinese Medicine Practitioner, Clinical Director of Ping Ming Health in Western Australia. Likewise they are also used in dishes to balance the food. On special occasions many people buy quality dates and give these as gifts to their friends and relatives.
(Dr. Ping Wang, is the founder of Ping Ming Health with over 30 years of clinical and teaching experience. She studied and lectured at the Capital Medical University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Beijing, and practiced at the Beijing Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine. She is an external supervisor of Chinese medicine students from RMIT University.)
Below are some excerpts that Dr. Ping Wang wrote about in an article, published in Ping Ming Health Newsletter. The ancient Chinese medicine textbook, she mentioned, is written by Shen Nong, the Father of Traditional Chinese Medicine 5000 years ago. This book has since been called "Old Testament of Natural Health."
It is unfortunate that even today they are not very popular in Western food and diet therapy culture. Many people do not know that chinese dates have such beneficial effects for human health. In this article I would like the share the benefits of Chinese red dates.
The effects of Chinese red dates.
1) Tonifying Blood
An ancient traditional Chinese books called ‘Ben Jin’ and Chinese herbal text books all mention that Chinese dates can strengthen the spleen and stomach Qi (energy) which helps to digest food, tonify blood and tranquilize the mind. Chinese medicine considers that the formation of blood is through good digestion and absorption of food which is mainly helped by the spleen and stomach. If spleen and stomach Qi are weakened it will affect the blood supply and its function, this may lead to blood deficiency (iron deficiency) and may also have the following symptoms, such as; poor appetite, lack of energy, pallor, lack of muscle on the arm and legs, overweight, diarrhea, sluggish bowl movement or bowl movement straight after eating, bloating after eating, stomach craps or diarrhea from eating cold food, or light and shorter menstruation and insomnia. Some people may also suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome, irritable bowel syndrome, under-reactive thyroid (hypothyroidism), miscarriages or infertility.
A few weeks ago, I helped a lady fall pregnant. This lady suffered from Qi and blood deficiency. She had pallor, lethargy, with light and short periods. I treated her, using acupuncture to balance internal Qi and blood as well as teaching her beef bone soup with red dates to drink. After a couple of months she had increased energy, with a pink health colour in her face with regular periods. She also fell pregnant, I am very happy for her.
Usually when I treat this type of case, I balance the spleen and stomach Qi function to increase the blood. This will help to increase the blood but also cause all symptoms to subside. I suggest that those who are undergoing treatment or want to prevent this problem to eat certain foods such as Chinese Red Dates. (Please check the recipe below)
2) Improving insomnia
Chinese dates are suitable for people who have insomnia from lack of Qi and blood. Chinese medicine considers one of the major causes of insomnia is due to Qi and blood deficiency such as the blood being unable to moisturize the liver and heart causing a ying and yang disorder. This will cause problems with sleeping. Usually this can cause the following symptoms; light sleep (easy to be woken), lots of vivid dreams, lack of energy from the beginning of the day. These people may also experience dizziness, lower blood pressure, palpitations, pale skin, and shortness of breath especially during activities or tremorring hands when tired. For these people it is suitable to eat Chinese dates whilst undergoing treatment. (Please check recipe below)
3) To help protect the liver, reduce cholesterol and prevent cancer
I will share some information from modern science research which is noted in Traditional Chinese Text Book mentions Chinese dates contain high levels of Vitamin C, also having the function of protecting the liver, help reduce cholesterol and increase the bodies immune system and may help reduce the risk of cancer.
In summary, Chinese red dates are rich in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals such as calcium,magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and iron, and dietary fibers. They boost body's energy metabolism and protect liver, nourish the blood, enhance muscle strength, eliminate fatigue, improve insomnia, prevent cardiovascular diseases.
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1. This is the Classic Red Date, Goji Combo Tea that nourishes the blood, liver and kidney. See Red Date, Goji Combo Tea Recipe(Click on the link to go to the recipe located on this page)
Red Dates +
Goji Berry = $36.98
2. These three herbs (which promote health of heart, liver, lung, kidney, eye and skin)create a classic delicacy - Tremella Mushroom Soup with Goji and Red Dates. See Tremella Mushroom Soup with Goji and Red Dates Recipe(Click on the link to go to the recipe located on this page)
Red Dates +
Goji Berry +
Tremella Mushroom =$53.97
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Order Today and Get it shipped to you for FREE ($9-Value)!
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Order Chinese Red Dates Today and Get Select Herbs from Healthy Goodness Jumbo Sample Pack for FREE as a Gift! IMPORTANT NOTE: For each product you order and pay for, you will get select sample packs of herbs from the jumbo sample pack collection. It may or may not be the full set of jumbo sample pack collection, depending on available space in the USPS priority shipment box.
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2 pieces per person daily. 500G bag of Red Dates will provide daily nourishment for 20 days.
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IMPORTANT NOTE: Grab the FREE EBOOK - Recipe Guide to Classic Herbal Teas and Dishes($20 Value) for complete recipe details, by subscribing to our newsletter! Click here to signup.
1. Red Date Tea: 1. Tear red dates into small pieces and remove the pit; 2. Put it in a pot with cold water, bring it to a boil, cover, simmer for 20 minutes. 3. Enjoy it!
2. Red Date/Goji Berries Combo Tea(Benefits: Nourishes and protects liver, kidney and blood): Repeat step 1 from Recipe #1; 2. Repeat step #2 from Recipe #1; 3. Add Goji berries and simmer 2 more minutes. 4. Enjoy it.
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3. Red Date Chicken or Rice Soup: 1. Repeat Step 1 in Recipe No. 1; 2. Put it in Chicken or Rice Soup and simmer for 20 minutes. 3. Enjoy it
4. Tremella Mushroom Soup with Goji and Red Dates:
Ingredients: 1 piece of Tremella Mushroom(more than 1/2 oz.); 5 pieces of red dates; 30 pieces of dried goji berry.
- Soak silver ear in warm water for 1 to 2 hours until all completely soft(the longer soaking time will make it easier to cook);
- Rinse thoroughly & cut off bottom yellow, hard parts, tear it to smaller pieces.
- Put it in a pot with cold water, bring to a boil and simmer for 20 minutes; then add (cut to small pieces)Red Dates and cook for another 15 minutes; finally add goji berry and cook an additional 1-2 minutes. Add sugar or honey to taste, & enjoy!
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Serving Size: 1.4 OZ (2 to 4 dates)
Servings per container: 12.5
Amount per Serving
Calories 184
Amount per serving/% Daily
Total Fat 0 g, 0%
Saturated Fat 0 g, 0%
Trans Fat 0 g, 0%
Cholesterol 0 mg, 0%
Sodium 0 mg, 0%
Total Carbohydrate 32 g, 11%
Dietary fiber 3 g, 12%
Sugar 24 g
Proteins 1 g
Vitamin A 0%, Vitamin C 1%, Calcium 2%, Iron 2%
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**Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by United States Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to treat or cure any disease. Please consult your health care provider or medical doctor for individualized medical advice.
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